Laboratory Training

Cytotoxic Facility Training | 3042/A

Completion of this module is required before access to the dedicated cytotoxic preparation facility at TRI will be granted. This room requires a face-to-face induction that will be completed with TRI WHS.

Prerequisites: Working with Cytotoxic Drugs online course

Note: This course is NOT a substitute for:
- laboratory specific training by an experienced user, or
- risk assessments and protocols specific to your research
Please submit a copy of your risk assessment and SOP or user protocol template to
  • TRI Cytotoxic Guideline (TRI-600-093).pdf
  • TRI Risk Assessment Cytotoxic Facility (TRI-600-165).pdf
  • Cytotoxic Facility 3042 | Bookings
  • Cytotoxic Facility (3042/A) Induction Request
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever