Laboratory Training

Essential Laboratory Skills (TRIELS)

The TRI Essential Laboratory Skills program is designed to help new students and early career researchers acquire practical knowledge about working in the TRI laboratories.

The estimated time allocation is 2hrs, but please take as long as you need to move through the material.
  • Equipment
  • Pipettes
  • Laboratory Equipment
  • Safety Cabinets
  • Equipment Stream Questions
  • Biologicals
  • Cold Storage
  • Contamination in the Cell Culture Laboratory
  • Sample Management
  • Clinical, Infectious and Sharps Waste
  • Biological Stream Questions
  • Chemicals
  • Working Safely with Hazardous Chemicals
  • Chemical Waste Disposal
  • Chemical Stream Questions
  • Laboratory Culture
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Lab Etiquette
  • Laboratory Culture Stream Questions
  • Recommended supplemental training
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever